Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Liar Liar Pants On Fire

Three years ago, I met and dated Norman. Norm works for a software company in the peninsula, but his hobby and passion is music. Norm writes, sings, and produces songs. Three years ago, Norm's ex-girlfriend played a little psychotic role on me and had one of her friends find me on AIM to seek whatever information he/she could about me. Back then I thought this was pretty crazy, so I figured it would be best to set myself apart from Norm and his crazy ex-girlfriend. Since we know several of the same people, I heard through the grapevine that Norm and his crazy ex reunited and eventually started living together.

For the longest time I blocked Norm on AIM after the "psychotic" incident. About two months ago, I figured that enough time lapsed, and I should grow up and unblock the guy. I did. As soon as I did, Norm messaged me. It was harmless at first. After a day or two of reconnecting and catching up, Norm started flirting. I felt a jolt from the past. Norm always considered me as "the one that got away." For years, he considered me as THE ONE. I can't say I EVER felt the same way. Three years ago, Norm had written an entire album about me. After reconnecting, I heard the re-arranged versions of these songs, and I was loving it! Even though I wasn't interested in Norm romantically, I still considered him a friend. Anyway, Norm asked me to breakfast one morning, and he was confiding in me about his relationship. He told me how unhappy he was being with her, but it was complicated because they live together. A few days later, Norm told me he and his girlfriend had split. As a friend, I couldn't help but sympathize for the guy.

He asked me out to a sushi dinner, so I said yes. We had a great time-- lots of laughs, a couple sake bombs, even a kiss here and there. The next day, I apologized for my lack of consideration... the guy did just break up with his long-term girlfriend. He told me that there was no need to apologize because I'm the right one. He hung out with my friends a couple times, but it was always awkward. I was reminded of his mannerisms that annoyed the hell out of me. For example, we would be sitting around in my living room, and suddenly the man would break out into song. I never understood that, not to mention totally awkward. With those thoughts, HOW could I possibly be the "right one?!"

Anyway, he asked me to a Warriors game either on the 1st of the 15th of December. I picked the 15th because I have a track record of going to Warriors games, and they lose. I figured that since the Warriors were playing the Miami Heat on the 1st, I should avoid that game because that might make it THAT much harder for the Warriors to beat the powerful Heat. (Yes, I know... Way to have faith in the Warriors, Jo.) To make up for it, Bear took me to watch the game on the 1st at Jersey's, a philly cheesesteak joint in downtown. It was another good time. When it comes to sports, I don't follow professional leagues in detail, but I DO know the games played, especially basketball. (I used to play in middle and high school.)

Later that week, I received an anonymous email from the fictitious email address saying, "You don't know me, but I wanted to contact you about something that I think you should know. I saw you out with my friend's boyfriend last week. I didn't want to assume that he is cheating on her, but I also don't want my friend to get hurt. FYI he does have a girl so if I were you, I would stay away. I would know that they are still together and happy, I just talked to her today. If you don't believe me, you should ask her. I haven't told her that I saw him with you last week because I don't think it is something that she needs to hear from me. It's up to you what you want to do from here, but I thought I would let you know to save everyone from embarrassment. I didn't want to get involved but I don't want my friend to be hurt. If you want her contact info, I'll give it to you. I hope I'm wrong and that you and her boyfriend are just friends. Thanks for your time............"

I was in irate when I read this, so I text Norm at 2am asking if he was awake. No response. I woke up still angry, and saw homeboy online. I forwarded Norm the email, along with my response, "Hey there. Thanks for your concern. Your friend is lucky to have you as her friend. You seem to care about her feelings. I'm assuming you are referring to Norm and Rose. Yes, he and I are good friends. We've known each other for years. I don't know when you last spoke to your friend, Rose, but per Norm, they're no longer together. However, I know that they still live together, so it's a complicated situation. I'm trying to be a good friend to him and hear him out when needed and keep the guy company when our schedules coordinate. Anyway, that's my side of the story. Clearly, someone's not being honest in this relationship. Have a good night and thank you for your time, as well. By the way, how did you get my email addy?" (I never got a response. I bet she hacked into his work email account and dug up my email address based on my first and last name.)

He was speechless. The only thing he could come up with was, "I'm sorry you got involved." I asked him what was going on, and all he kept saying was, "I'm sorry you got involved." After a couple minutes of 20 questions, he then asked me, "Do you think I'm lying to you?" I told him that someone is lying to someone, and that he needs to stop talking to me until he's straightened this situation out, and I guess the Warriors vs. Heat game was off. On the night of the game, I received a text message that said, "For what its worth, I wish you where here." WTF?! Was he trying to rub it in my face? Or did he actually mean it? Whatever the motive, I didn't seem to care.

I had not heard from him, and while I was in San Diego for my best friend's wedding, I was surfing Facebook. It turns out that Norm and his crazy girlfriend never broke up! In fact, they are now ENGAGED! I saw several "congratulations" posts on his wall, so I decided to be a little dramatic and wrote, "Congratulations..... that's dirty =P"

Sure enough, that caught his attention. He sent me a long email saying how confused he was.. yadda yadda yadda... he finally found someone that's good for him... yadda yadda yadda... the stars didn't line up for us, but I will be the one that got away.... twice.

My response: There's so much I want to say, but it's difficult for me to gather my thoughts. I thought of you [Norm] as a "great guy." Was I ever wrong! You are right, what you have done does not make you worthy of her. Clearly she is blinded by all your lies because she said yes. I hope one day you two can finally be honest with each other. I hope you don't become another divorce statistic. I hope you don't make her become a bitter, angry woman because there's enough of us out there. You don't need to bother waiting around until I speak to you becaause you're not even worthy of my friendship. Like I said, congratulations and Happy New Year... Now can you sense my sarcasm?!

They will one day marry, and for statistics sake, I hope they stay married and have their ugly children together. He's cheated on her before, and I'm willing to bet that he will cheat again. Good luck to them. As for me, the Norm chapter is closed.

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